Jurnal Bikes

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Terakreditasi Sinta (SK Dirjen Diktiristek Kemendikbudristek Nomor; 177/E/KPT/2024)

ISSN 2807-2448 (Online)

Prefix DOI : 10.51849

Jurnal Kebidanan, Keperawatan dan Kesehatan (J-BIKES) is a scientific journal that publishes research manuscripts in the fields of midwafery, nursing and health. The focus and scope of the journal are to: 1) Provide journals that report research on topics that have local, national and international significance in all educational contexts 2) Provide journals that report research on topics that have local, national and international significance in the field of psychology 3) Providing journals that report research on topics that have local, national and international significance in the health field. Prioritizing the results of interdisciplinary research and the latest findings in the field of science. Jurnal Kebidanan, Keperawatan dan Kesehatan (J-BIKES) is published three times a year namely July, November dan March.


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